Happy Long Weekend Everyone! We finally made it to the first long weekend of the summer and my GOD do we ever need it. I know mine will be filled with delicious BBQ’d food, oysters, ciders and planting my veggie garden. Truly, a perfect weekend. I am so happy to start it off with another perfect J. Waldron Butchers collaboration. Beef patties are just beef patties (don’t forget the salt and pepper!), but I really went for it and made the burger buns and also that special burger sauce. Get those BBQ’s fired up- it’s time for burgers baby!!!!
Hamburger Bun Ingredients (makes 4 buns)
300 grams Flour
140 grams Water
5 grams Yeast
25 grams Milk
12 grams Sugar
5 grams Salt
20 grams Butter
½ an Egg
Hamburger Sauce Ingredients
1 Onion (caramelized in butter)
3 Pickles
¼ cup Ketchup
¼ cup Mayo
2 tbsp. Dijon
1 tbsp. Worcestershire Sauce
Hamburger Buns Directions
Start by combining your warm (not hot) water, milk, yeast and sugar. Cover and let the yeast activate until frothy.
In a bowl, combine your flour, salt and butter. Crumble your butter until the little butter chunks are pea sized or smaller.
Once your yeast is activated, add it and your egg to the flour mixture. Save the second half of your egg for later!
Using our hands, combine the dough until it forms a nice elastic ball. It will take a few minutes, but I promise it will all come together. Once all the dough is combined, take it to an un-floured work surface and slap it down and fold it over. This will feel super weird at first, but you’ll get the hang of it. Just slap and fold and slap and fold. Don’t be afraid! Once you’ve done this for a couple minutes, form your dough ball and add it to a greased bowl, covered in saran wrap, to rise for 1-2 hours or until doubled in size.
Once your dough has risen, deflate it and weigh it. I like to weigh it so I can equally divide the weight by however many buns I want to make so they’re all even. It may seem like overkill, but trust me when I say you’re eyeball method for even buns doesn’t work!
Once you’ve weighed them all out, fold the dough into itself and then, using the tension of an un-floured work surface, gently work your dough into a nice tight ball. Do this with the rest of your dough balls as well.
Once you’ve done this with all of them, gently brush the tops with olive oil, cover in saran wrap and place a towel over top. The towel helps weigh down the saran wrap so no air gets in and dries out your dough! Allow the dough balls another hour or two to double in size.
Once your dough balls are ready, mix a little bit of water into your remaining egg, and brush over the entire surface of your buns. You want to make sure they’re fully coated for maximum shine. The top with sesame seeds or poppy seeds, or just leave them plain!
Bake at 400℉ for 15 minutes, rotating the sheet pan half way through cooking to get an even sheen.
Place your buns on a cooling rack and let cool completely. Slice in half, butter and toast and assemble your burger!!!
Burger Sauce Directions
Begin by caramelizing your onions in butter and salt. This will take about 20-30 minutes so be patient. Once your onions are caramelized, place them in a bowl and add your diced pickles, ketchup, mustard, mayo and worcestershire sauce. Combine and add to your burger. Do not be shy, this is some of the best burger sauce known to man. Thanks Joshua Weissman for the inspiration!