Focaccia is one of my favourite breads, even just thinking about it makes my mouth water. It’s easy to make and there's so much you can do with it. I like to eat it as bread sticks dipped in olive oil and balsamic and I also love to use it as sandwich bread filling it with the most delicious Italian meats and cheeses. Not only is there amazing versatility in how you can eat it, but also in how you can make it. I like to go plain and simple with flaky salt, but you can also top your focaccia with olives, tomatoes, your favourite herbs, cheese, whatever you want! It won’t affect your cooking time and will just make your bread that much more delicious! Also fun fact! My cousins are half Italian and their last name is Focaccia. If that isn’t the coolest last name in the world, I don’t know what is. God Bless all Focaccias, both bread and people. Salut!
500 g Flour
8g Active Dry Yeast
375g Water
10g Salt
1 tsp. Sugar (only if you’re activating your yeast)
Olive Oil
Flaky Salt (for topping)
Other topping ideas: fresh herbs, cherry tomatoes, red onion, olives, green onions.
If you’re using active dry yeast, it’s a good idea to activate it ahead of time in warm water with a 1 tsp. of sugar. If you do this- be sure to include the water you use to do this as part of your overall water amount.
Now, measure out all of your ingredients, add them to a bowl and mix to combine. I like to mix this bread thoroughly. It will start shaggy and will slowly make its way to a tight dough. Once all the shag is gone, I like to grab and fold the dough onto itself in many many circles until it’s nice and tight. Once you’re satisfied, cover your bowl with saran wrap and let your dough rise for 1-2 hours in a warm spot.
Preheat your oven to 475℉. Add a small oven-proof dish to the lowest rack and fill with boiling water. Your dough needs a nice moist environment right at the start of cooking.
Once your dough has risen, grease a sheet pan with a good amount of olive oil. I use a 9.5” x 13” sheet pan. It is the perfect size for this amount of dough, in my opinion. Turn your dough out into the pan and give it a few flips so it’s coated all the way around in olive oil. Then slowly start working the dough into the pan until it fills the pan, edge to edge. If you find the dough bouncing back, let it rest for about 5 minutes and then come back to it. Once you’re done that, it’s time to add your toppings. My favourite is flaky salt (I use Maldon Sea Salt). There really is no comparison between flaky salt and regular table salt, so if you don’t have some, I would recommend you get some!
Here are some other things you can top your focaccia with: olives, cherry tomatoes, literally any fresh herbs, green onions, red onions, peppers, the list goes on and on.
Bake your focaccia for 10 minutes. Once the 10 minutes is up, remove the water dish and continue baking the focaccia for 10-15 minutes, until the top is golden brown.
Let the focaccia rest for at least 10 minutes before slicing. And that’s it!
